Before you order with us, please note that some countries may incur customs duties to pay by buyers. Our price is not covering customs duties. Please confirn with your local customs for more regarding information.
Because we shipping from EU and US, we confirm that there are no customs duties for UK/US/EU buyers.
Countries | Customs duties |
UK | No(To be determined after 2020.12.31) |
US | No |
EU | No |
Other countries | please confirm with your local customs |
QCXQ electric scooters are not to be used on footpaths, cycle lanes or roads in the UK/EU/US. It is the complete responsibility of the customer to ensure that you operate your e-scooter within all country and local laws. The customer assumes all liability and risk associated with the use of electric scooter products and holds QCXQ and its owners free from any liability caused by their use.
QCXQ electric scooters are not suitable for children under 11 years. For use under adult supervision. And not suitable for elders(older than 60 years) to ride.