Where are you shipping from?

US orders will be shipped from our warehouse in the US.  EU orders will be shipped from our warehouse in Germany. UK orders will be shipped from our warehouse in the UK. Other orders will be shipped from our warehouse in China.

Is there sales taxes and customs duties?

No sale taxes will be charged.

Buyers located in US/UK/EU will no need to pay customs duties.
For other countries, prices are not covering customs taxes! Please note some of the countries may be customs/import duties to pay depending on the value of the goods, these are the responsibility of the customer. If you are unsure please check your local customs office.

What is the estimate delivery time?

1. US: 2-7 days
2. UK: 2-3 days
3. EU: 2-7 days
4. South East Asia/North America: 10-15 days
5. Middle East: 15-25 days
6. Australia & New Zealand: 10-15 days
7. South America: 20-35 days
8. Other destination please contact us for details

Delivery times may vary, especially during peak periods.

How long will order be shipped out?

We typically dispatch orders between Mon-Friday. Orders often get dispatched within 24 hours. Weekend orders will be dispatched next Monday. Meanwhile, a shipping tracking number will be updated.
UK orders often take 2-3 days to delivery.
US/EU orders often take 2-7 days to delivery.

How to start a return?

Start a easy return within 30 days of delivery. Return items should be in its original condition and packing.
Please contact us at @ you will receive an emial for return details.

Do i need to pay return shipping cost?

Please refer to our Return policy

Couldn’t find out an answer?

Please contact us and feel free to ask us any questions.